- Having sex with a minor is serious charge
Oct 27, 2020
Certain sexual behavior is illegal in Maryland based on the ages involved, regardless of both parties’ consent. Statutory rape is one of the serious Age of consent The age of consent is the legal minimum age limit where a person is considered old enough to consent to sexual activity. In Maryland, the age of consent is generally recognized to be 16 years old. Certain sexual behaviors are illegal, based upon the age...Read More - What is a “stet?”
Oct 21, 2020
Stet is a Latin term that means “let it stand.” According to the Baltimore County state’s attorney office, a “stet” is an indefinite postponement. A guilty verdict is not entered, but a “stet” is not an acquittal or dismissal. The charges remain; but, they are not active in the system. Basically, a stet in Maryland means that the case is placed on the inactive docket and forgotten by the State. In fact, in...Read More - What types of child custody are available for Maryland parents?
Oct 20, 2020
Child custody agreements and orders can look very different based on the needs of children and families. Two couples may go through divorces in the same community and end up with significantly diverse custody orders from their family law courts. That is because courts are tasked with producing child custody plans that work to support the best interests of the children who will be governed by them. The goal of child custody proceedings is...Read More - Can I purchase or own a handgun after a criminal conviction?
Oct 16, 2020
Yes, but it takes time and effort to get Maryland gun rights restored. In Maryland, you need a permit to purchase and carry handguns. Maryland’s handgun licensing law was put into place in 2013 in the aftermath of the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Most people know that one of the consequences of being convicted of a felony is the loss of the right to own and purchase a gun. In...Read More - Local arrested on child pornography and sexual abuse charges
Oct 13, 2020
There is no more stigmatized crime in our country than sex crimes, like child pornography and sexual abuse. Even allegations can destroy the careers of anyone that works with children. However, what many forget is that a bedrock principle of our country is that everyone, regardless of the allegation, is entitled to a presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. One Wicomico County man is dealing with this now dealing with these...Read More - Maryland’s handgun licensing requirements under review by court
Oct 7, 2020
A federal appeals court has reinstated a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Maryland’s handgun licensing law. The handgun licensing requirements are part of the Maryland Firearm Safety Act of 2013 (FSA). The FSA was enacted to protect Maryland citizens and law enforcement officers by regulating the sale, transfer and possession of certain types of firearms in the state. The law applies to the purchase and carry of handguns. A permit is not needed...Read More - What kinds of actions are prohibited under the fourth amendment?
Oct 2, 2020
Ocean City area residents likely know that they are guaranteed certain rights under the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution, but without understanding what exactly those rights entail, it might be difficult to prepare an aggressive criminal defense. Generally speaking, the What the court will review The court balances legitimate governmental interests, like public safety, and the intruding on someone’s fourth amendment rights, when conducting a search and seizure. This is why...Read More - Penalties for fourth degree sexual offense in Maryland
Sep 25, 2020
With the school year in full swing, teachers, administrators and other school employees are likely navigating the school year a little differently. Nonetheless, there still remains a teacher-student relationship whether classes are in person or remote. What a teacher is not expecting during this vastly different school year is allegations of a Sexual offense in the fourth degree According to Maryland criminal code Engaging in sexual contact without the consent...Read More - Maryland Attorney General says phony mortgage companies targeting Marylanders
Sep 23, 2020
The Office of the Attorney General has issued a strong warning about scammers impersonating mortgage companies. The scams are taking several different forms. In one instance, claiming to be mortgage company employees, the scammers are offering loan modifications. The scammer will ask for your full name, address, date of birth and social security number. They may tell you that you have to immediately provide this information in order to qualify for the loan modification...Read More - Aggressive defense strategies against DUI charges in Ocean City
Sep 17, 2020
DUI stops are some of the most common situations in which Ocean City residents and law enforcement officials interact. Each year in Maryland thousands of people are charged with drunk driving offenses. And, in many cases, these arrestees are probably frightened and wondering what options they have to address the charges. Aggressive stance to DUI charges Some people may be so panicked by the prospect of being convicted of a DUI charge that...Read More