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  • First-Time DUI Charges in Maryland: What to Expect and How to Defend Yourself

    Oct 2, 2024

    Facing This blog explains what to expect after a What Happens When You’re Arrested for a DUI in Maryland? If you’re arrested for a DUI in Maryland, the process typically begins with a traffic stop. Police officers may pull you over for erratic driving, speeding, or another violation and then administer a series of tests to determine if you are driving under the influence. These tests may include: Field sobriety tests Breathalyzer test...
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  • The Impact of Maryland’s Zero Tolerance Law on Juvenile DUI Charges: What Parents and Teens Need to Know

    Sep 2, 2024

    In Maryland, This blog aims to provide parents with the information they need to navigate these complex legal situations and help ensure that their child’s future remains as secure as possible. Understanding Maryland’s Zero Tolerance Law Maryland's Zero Tolerance Law is designed to deter underage drinking and driving by imposing harsher penalties for young drivers than for adults over 21. While adults are subject to a legal BAC limit of 0.08%, any detectable amount...
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  • The Impact of Prescription Medications on DUI Charges in Maryland: What You Need to Know

    Aug 17, 2024

    Driving under the influence If you’ve been charged with a DUI while taking How Maryland Law Defines DUI and Prescription Medications In Maryland, DUI laws are stringent and encompass more than just alcohol or illegal substances. According to Prescription drugs that can lead to Painkillers (e.g., Oxycodone, Hydrocodone) Anti-anxiety medications (e.g., Xanax, Valium) Sleep aids (e.g., Ambien, Lunesta) Antidepressants (e.g., Zoloft, Prozac) Muscle relaxants (e.g., Soma, Flexeril) Even if a driver...
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  • What are the financial consequences of a DUI?

    Aug 2, 2024

    When it comes to drunk driving, your first thought may be of the legal repercussions you might have to contend with if the law catches up to you. However, the consequences of driving under the influence (DUI) could go beyond legal ones. It can impact many parts of your life, such as your personal finances. How a DUI can affect your finances Drunk driving may affect your life in more ways than...
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  • How to regain driving privileges after a DUI

    Jul 29, 2024

    Ocean City is a popular summer vacation spot. It also has the highest DUI penalties depend on these factors: Blood alcohol content (BAC) at the time of arrest If minors were in the car If the driver is a minor If it resulted in death The number of earlier DUI convictions Losing driving privileges can be one of the most challenging penalties you can face. It restricts...
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  • It’s best to park your car when partying in Ocean City

    Jul 25, 2024

    Maryland’s beautiful beaches and vibrant shore draw thousands of beach partygoers every summer. Unfortunately, with increased celebrations often comes a rise in Driving Under the Influence (DUI) cases. While designating a driver is a responsible first step, it is not always a foolproof approach. This is because even with the best intentions, they may end up arrested for DUI. Parking your car for the entire evening often ensures a safer and more enjoyable experience...
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  • The consequences of a repeat DUI offense

    Jul 17, 2024

    Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense with life-changing consequences. In Maryland, the penalties for first-time offenders may be significant, but repeat offenders may receive harsher penalties. Stiff penalties for repeat offenders A second DUI offense may come with a hefty price tag. You can face fines of up to $2,000, a potential jail sentence of up to two years and a mandatory license suspension of 180 days (or 270 days...
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  • Tips to avoid a DUI while vacationing In Ocean City

    Jul 15, 2024

    Ocean City’s 10-mile stretch of beach and bustling boardwalk attract thousands of tourists annually. As you gear up to soak in its coastal charm, it’s crucial to know that local law enforcement is always on high alert for drunk drivers. Respecting the rules of the road in Maryland may spare you from legal troubles that could follow you back home. DUI risks for out-of-state tourists It can be easy to let your...
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  • Understanding the parental role in preventing underage DUI

    Jul 13, 2024

    The issue of underage driving under the influence (DUI) concerns many parents in Maryland. Preventing such dangerous behavior requires a proactive approach from parents. Understanding the laws, having open conversations, and setting a good example significantly impact a teenager’s decisions. Understanding Maryland’s DUI laws for minors Maryland enforces This “Zero Tolerance Law” means even a small amount of alcohol can lead to serious consequences, including fines, license suspension, and potential criminal...
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  • Maryland DUI Checkpoints: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

    Jul 3, 2024

    For many drivers, encountering a DUI checkpoint in Maryland can be an unexpected and stressful experience. These checkpoints, strategically placed by law enforcement, aim to ensure public safety by identifying and deterring impaired drivers. Understanding your rights and responsibilities at these checkpoints is crucial to handling the situation confidently and protecting yourself legally. At Maronick Law, our Baltimore Understanding DUI Checkpoints in Maryland What Are DUI Checkpoints? DUI checkpoints, sometimes called sobriety checkpoints, are...
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