Workplace Wrongful Death Attorneys in Glen Burnie, MD Providing Representation for Wrongful Death Cases in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Montgomery County, and Throughout Maryland
When you say goodbye to your loved one as they leave for their workday, you expect them to return home. Unfortunately, workplace accidents happen on the job that can result in an unexpected death. When your loved one suffers a workplace fatality, you have options to recover benefits through workers’ compensation.
Our Maryland fatal workplace accident lawyers at Maronick Law LLC have extensive experience helping qualifying dependents recover workers’ compensation death benefits. With eight offices throughout the state, we help clients in Glen Burnie, Baltimore, and throughout Maryland get the benefits they are entitled to. Monetary compensation won’t bring your loved one back to you, but it can help you and your family avoid financial disaster.
Contact our workplace wrongful death attorneys in Glen Burnie, MD at Maronick Law LLC today at 443-351-6657 to learn more about how we can help you get the compensation you deserve during a free, no-obligation consultation.

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443-351-6657You Deserve Compensation For Your Grief
Workers’ compensation benefits for deceased workers helps compensate their families for the loss of their income and can pay for funeral expenses. In Maryland, a surviving spouse is generally entitled to death benefits. However, spouses who separated after the initial accident or injury, but before death, may be unable to recover death benefits.
While death benefits can make a huge difference in the financial security of surviving family members, they are limited to two-thirds of the average working wage of the deceased worker. Benefits cannot exceed 100% of the state average weekly wage if the deceased spouse was the sole breadwinner. If both spouses earn an income, the benefits will be reduced. If the surviving spouse remarries, death benefit payments will likely cease.
Surviving children may also obtain compensation until they turn 18. If the child is over 18 but wholly dependent due to physical or mental disabilities, or if they are under 23 and attending school full time, they can continue to receive benefits.
Ready To Represent You And Your Family
The pain of losing a loved one is unimaginable, especially when the death was preventable or caused by someone else’s negligence at work. While you suffer from the loss of companionship, you don’t need to suffer financially.
We will aggressively fight for your rights to the worker’s compensation benefits you deserve. Contact our experienced team of Maryland fatal workplace accident lawyers today at 443-351-6657 or fill out an online contact form to schedule a free consultation.